The Louvre, Paris, France

The Louvre, Paris, France

Last Updated on: 17th October 2024, 11:05 pm

Last week I reviewed The Palace of Versailles. This week I am reviewing The Louvre.

Apologies in advance for the lack of photos as I was spending the time exploring the huge museum.

If you are planning a trip to Europe, the best way to get around Europe is by rail. It is fast and has more leg room and space to walk around than a plane and can be much cheaper.

The LouvreDSC00278

The Louvre is an art museum housed in the French palace and fortress built for Philippe Auguste in 1190. The architecture here is fantastic, and even if you don’t want to pay for entry, you can still have a great time photographing this place, as this is a pretty popular architectural photography subject among photographers, and can be a great destination for architecture and photography lovers.

I don’t have many photos, but I do have some tips.

The museum is large. Really large. Come early in the day or come on multiple days. Admission price is reasonable at €15 per person. All visitors with ID under 26 get free entry after 6pm but you’d have to come many days if you use this method cause the museum is really large. There is free entry on the first Sunday of every month from October to March inclusive, this probably means huge crowds.

The museum is open everyday except Tuesdays, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and May 1, and free entry on Bastille Day (July 14).




Tip: The Mona Lisa painting is here… but it is tiny. About A4 size. Plus there is an acrylic case/frame around it, and heaps of people crowding around it to take a crooked, glared shot of it. I am telling you now. It is not worth your time to line up with them just so you can get a blurry photo of it. Prepare to be disappointed.

Or, you can use this to your advantage. Literally across the room from it, is the beautiful, beautiful Wedding at Cana painting. It is huge. Really huge. Bigger than your average living room huge. And skillfully painted in beautiful, vibrant colours. While the Mona Lisa attracts everyone else like a magnet, use this to your advantage to get a full shot of the Wedding at Cana.

Getting here:
You can catch the metro and walk here. The metro is not expensive and within walking distance (even for a slow walker like me with low tolerance for walking).

Recommended visiting duration:
Really, I can stay here all day from the time it opens to the time it closes and still not get everything in. But if you only have one day, then do just that: come early and leave late. Bring your own food so you can save time and money and use the rest of the time exploring the museum.

Visit their official site for more info on admissions and hours.

To see more of what I did in France, click here.

Next week: The Notre Dame Cathedral.

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